Participant Information Leaflet for 8 - 12 year olds

What is it about?

There are two main types of germs that make us sick: bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are tiny creatures that can live inside us and get food from our bodies. Bacteria can multiply inside the body when they cause infections.

Some infections that bacteria cause include sore throats (tonsillitis), ear infections, meningitis and pneumonia. They use up nutrients (food) and energy, and can produce toxins, which can make you feel very poorly, and you might end up in hospital.

 How do the doctors know if the germs are making you sick?

They take a closer look at your blood. Doctors can look at samples of blood and other fluids tested in a laboratory to tell which germs are living in your body and how they are making you sick. However, sometimes these tests do not always tell us if you have a bacterial infection.

What is the research about?

The BATCH study will help us find tests which tell us if someone has a bacterial infection, so we can treat it earlier. It will also help us decide if someone is getting better, and if we can stop their treatment.

What will happen?

We need a small amount of blood from you to do the new tests. We will usually take a small amount of extra blood at the same time as your other blood tests are done, but sometimes the nurse will take a sample at a separate time.

 Do I have to take part?

No. It is up to you whether you want to help us.

 Can I change my mind?

Yes.  If you change your mind, just tell your parent/guardian or the doctor or nurse. You can stop at any time.

Who is doing this research?

Doctors at your hospital and scientists at the University of Liverpool, Cardiff University, Lancaster University and University of Southampton.

Who do I ask about this?

Your parents will have been given lots of information.  If they are not sure, the doctor or nurse can tell you more.

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